Dehydration and skin issues, routines and specifics

The key to a good skin care regimen and dehydration and skin issues is knowing what skin type you have. If your skin type is dry, then we can help you develop an effective skincare program and choose the right salon treatments. Our advice can help keep your dry skin moisturized, firm and fresh.
Table of Contents
People born with dry skin and require special care throughout the course of their lives. Winter or summer, it lacks moisture in all seasons. Even in hot weather such a skin secreted sebum is not enough to serve as a full barrier between the face and the outside environment.
Main signs by which you can identify dry skin:
- Small pores that are almost impossible to see;
- skin is thin and delicate;
- sebum secretion is minimal;
- There is no oily sheen, even in hot weather;
- flakiness and a feeling of tightness.
Dry skin care is impossible to imagine without moisturizer. There are many dehydration and skin issues. However, there are other skin needs in addition to moisturizing:
- Wash foam is ideal for the gentle cleansing of delicate skin, as it preserves the hydrolipid mantle;
- Enzyme powder. Even though aggressive scrubs are prohibited for dry skin, it still needs to remove keratinized scales, which cause a dull complexion and exacerbate flaking. Enzyme powders are good for this, as they do not damage delicate skin and gently exfoliate the dead skin cells;
- Toner. It not only normalizes the pH level but also gives the epidermis additional moisture and prepares it for further care;
- Mask. It reduces irritation, works against a dull complexion and signs of fatigue, and moisturizes the skin more effectively than other creams;
- Nourishing cream. It strengthens the barrier that protects the epidermis from unfavorable external factors and raises the moisture level in the cells to the required level.

You need to give your dry skin maximum care and cover all its needs. It is necessary to read the formulations of cosmetic products before buying them.
A list of ingredients that dry skin needs:
- Antioxidants. Green tea extract, vitamins C, E, for example. These substances fight the oxidative process in the cells. Antioxidants also minimize the damage caused to the epidermis by free radicals, which are the main causes of premature aging;
- AHA acids – lactic, glycolic, and fruit acids. These ingredients in masks, tonics, and peels help exfoliate the cells by dissolving the special glue that sticks them together. When using products with AHA acids, your texture and complexion improve, and fine lines become less noticeable;
- Oils. Some of the most beneficial oils for the face are almonds, coconuts, shea butter, and jojoba. They allow the epidermis to repel the attack of aggressive environmental manifestations, retain moisture in skin cells;
- Hygroscopic substances such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and panthenol. The task of these components is to attract water molecules to the cells and retain moisture, which helps maintain the necessary hydration level of dry skin.
Proper product selection and a regular regimen are key to effective dry skin care. Let’s take a closer look at the mandatory steps required daily and those that need to be carried out periodically as additional intensive treatments.
Daily procedures

Make-up removal
Never go to bed with makeup on. If you neglect this stage of care one time, there will be a temptation to go to bed with make-up on again, and gradually it can become a habit. Flaking, redness, and rashes won’t be long in coming.
All your hard work is bound to come to naught, so removing your make-up is important. If you want to remove makeup, a hydrophilic oil or micellar water will do the trick. These products are gentle.
Every wash begins with a cleanse, but the dry epidermis requires the most gentle touch. Aggressive cleansing gels are not suitable. Choose the mildest cleansers available, such as foams. The packaging should have a label indicating that the product is designed for dry or sensitive skin and should be used daily. Cleanse your face in the morning and evening.
The pH of the skin changes upon contact with water. For a dry epidermis, bringing it back to normal is especially important. This is the task of a toner. Clean your face with a cotton pad dampened with a tonic, and only then apply the rest of the products. Use a tonic after every skin contact with water.
Extra moisturizing
The use of a moisturizer alone is not sufficient in the case of dry skin. A moisturizing serum can significantly improve the skin’s condition and should be done before applying the cream.
Moisturizing and nourishing
It would help if you emphasized the importance of applying your cream, as this is the main step in your dry skin care routine. Your cream should not only moisturize but also nourish. Ensure active ingredients, such as oils, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, are within the product.
Night cream
A night cream is created to nourish and regenerate the epidermis during its “resting” period. Such a product has a thicker texture. Apply it an hour or two before bedtime so that it can be absorbed.
Intensive care: What skin care product to choose?
Remember to follow various complementary treatments for your dry skincare regime to be as effective as possible in your dehydration and skin issues.
- Gentle exfoliation. The epidermis is actively renewing itself, but it needs help. Exfoliating products can smooth out micro-relief and help maintain firmness and tone, often lacking in dry skin. Aggressive cleansing is contraindicated, but the removal of keratinized flakes is essential. Exfoliation is necessary once every 7-10 days.
- Applying masks. As dry skin’s barrier and moisture-retaining structures are destroyed, dry skin should be treated with the most concentrated products, masks.They provide an instant effect and allow you to bring your skin in good condition before an important event or after a stressful situation. The optimal frequency of application of masks is 1-2 times a week.

In addition to home care, it is helpful to visit a cosmetologist. The professional can evaluate the skin’s condition and recommend a skin care treatment that will suit your skin type. Dry skin will benefit from treatments such as:
- Vacuum machine massage will restore muscle tone and skin elasticity;
- Bio revitalization. It is the most effective method of saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid;
- Mesotherapy. It is highly effective because vitamin cocktails are injected;
- Thread lifting. If your dry, thin skin shows signs of aging, this treatment will restore lost facial contours.
You must embrace your dry skin and know its needs and other dehydration and skin issues to make it look as attractive and uncomfortable as possible.
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